momtojack: 8-28-10 Baptismal Font
momtojack: 8-28-10 Anna and Fr. Kevin
momtojack: 8-28-10 Mandy and Anna
momtojack: 8-28-10 with Fr Kevin
momtojack: 8-28-10 Big Moment
momtojack: 8-28-10 Baptism-yiayia bracelet
momtojack: 8-28-10 Chrism Oil
momtojack: 8-28-10 Service
momtojack: 8-28-10 Service 2
momtojack: 8-28-10 Service 3
momtojack: 8-28-10 Service 4
momtojack: 8-28-10 Fr Kevin and Michelle reading
momtojack: 8-28-10 Michelle doing the reading
momtojack: 8-28-10 Anna
momtojack: 8-28-10 Cross
momtojack: 8-28-10 Gang
momtojack: 8-28-10 During Service
momtojack: 8-28-10 In Church
momtojack: 8-28-10 At the Font
momtojack: 8-28-10 At the Font 2
momtojack: 8-28-10 At the Font 3
momtojack: 8-28-10 Service 6
momtojack: 8-28-10 Into the water
momtojack: 8-28-10 In the water
momtojack: 8-28-10 Out of the water 2
momtojack: 8-28-10 Officially Clean
momtojack: 8-28-10 Oil
momtojack: 8-28-10 Oil 2
momtojack: 8-28-10 Out of the water
momtojack: 8-28-10 Bless the dress