Parth Joshi: Morning bustles...
Parth Joshi: A beautiful lay...
Parth Joshi: Afternoon saunters...
Parth Joshi: Wild pickings...
Parth Joshi: Perfect mornings...
Parth Joshi: Fingers outstretshed...
Parth Joshi: Gluttons for water...
Parth Joshi: Entranced...
Parth Joshi: Huddling...
Parth Joshi: Ekeing out the minerals...
Parth Joshi: Masters of scree...
Parth Joshi: Glacial spreads...
Parth Joshi: Hopscotch...
Parth Joshi: Balancing acts...
Parth Joshi: Misty morns...
Parth Joshi: Oases...
Parth Joshi: Inching up...
Parth Joshi: First glimpse...
Parth Joshi: In a single file...
Parth Joshi: Mischievious mist...
Parth Joshi: On the trails of ungulates...
Parth Joshi: Contemplation at the top...
Parth Joshi: The final climb...
Parth Joshi: Benedictions at the top...
Parth Joshi: Dots...
Parth Joshi: Embalming...
Parth Joshi: Perched precariously...
Parth Joshi: Morning light
Parth Joshi: A noisy assemblage...
Parth Joshi: Fathoming the descent...