Parth Joshi: a sombre facade...
Parth Joshi: life on the shoulders...
Parth Joshi: glazed by the noon...
Parth Joshi: idylls for posterity...
Parth Joshi: plotting present from the past...
Parth Joshi: Flaunting the crest...
Parth Joshi: Breakfast perch...
Parth Joshi: Winter sun...
Parth Joshi: Morning thoughts...
Parth Joshi: late morning hubbubs...
Parth Joshi: striking a pose...
Parth Joshi: sultry...
Parth Joshi: mulling over a take off...
Parth Joshi: cruising...
Parth Joshi: those thermals...
Parth Joshi: an ear on the breeze...
Parth Joshi: pensive...
Parth Joshi: Tired lions...
Parth Joshi: An open space...
Parth Joshi: Brimming...
Parth Joshi: Motion in stasis...
Parth Joshi: Tales sculpted, and tales of sculptors...
Parth Joshi: Compass...
Parth Joshi: A side glance...
Parth Joshi: Pile on...
Parth Joshi: Knock, knock...
Parth Joshi: Still as the world ends...
Parth Joshi: Own little nook...