Parth Joshi: back to civilization...
Parth Joshi: reined in by the rain...
Parth Joshi: settling in...
Parth Joshi: water crossing near Parkachi thatch...
Parth Joshi: hobnob noons...
Parth Joshi: curing biophilia...
Parth Joshi: haughty...
Parth Joshi: sprightly...
Parth Joshi: on spires...
Parth Joshi: on hope...
Parth Joshi: the spreads...
Parth Joshi: onto twilight...
Parth Joshi: a play of the clouds
Parth Joshi: dumping snow...
Parth Joshi: on effervescent waters...
Parth Joshi: deliverance...
Parth Joshi: hop scotch...
Parth Joshi: riverine conversations...
Parth Joshi: threading up...
Parth Joshi: above the treeline...
Parth Joshi: final prayers...
Parth Joshi: a poetry in triangles...
Parth Joshi: afternoon leisure...
Parth Joshi: on work ethics...
Parth Joshi: thorny swims...
Parth Joshi: pushing the agenda...
Parth Joshi: mulling over the immediate future
Parth Joshi: an inquisitive bunch...
Parth Joshi: Temple in traditional kath-kuni style of architecture...
Parth Joshi: the cold, romantic sprawls...