Parth Joshi: jitters of a juvenile...
Parth Joshi: a casual flick of the tail...
Parth Joshi: walking the ramp...
Parth Joshi: back into the folds...
Parth Joshi: The first peeps...
Parth Joshi: the trudge to the top...
Parth Joshi: blotches...
Parth Joshi: stumps awaiting spring...
Parth Joshi: opposites of glib...
Parth Joshi: stroke of noon...
Parth Joshi: Bathing in the morning light...
Parth Joshi: Reverence...
Parth Joshi: Noon songs...
Parth Joshi: Morning rounds
Parth Joshi: crisp aquifers...
Parth Joshi: on simplistic...
Parth Joshi: sanctums within sanctums...
Parth Joshi: a recluse...
Parth Joshi: singing to the clouds...
Parth Joshi: on neat columns...
Parth Joshi: perched atop...
Parth Joshi: bent over time...
Parth Joshi: brooding congregations...
Parth Joshi: the locus...
Parth Joshi: Evening perch...
Parth Joshi: Closing time...
Parth Joshi: intricate...
Parth Joshi: balcony view...
Parth Joshi: on cloudy morns...
Parth Joshi: morning rounds...