Parth Joshi: the unacclimatised treads...
Parth Joshi: of men and mountains...
Parth Joshi: the creations and afternoons...
Parth Joshi: preceding barriers...
Parth Joshi: the preserved side of history...
Parth Joshi: the foresights...
Parth Joshi: cresting on the parched...
Parth Joshi: the blessings of kilns...
Parth Joshi: reigniting...
Parth Joshi: of recent greens...
Parth Joshi: on shoulders..
Parth Joshi: a rather dusty chant...
Parth Joshi: punctuations...
Parth Joshi: mounds and mountains...
Parth Joshi: that first step...
Parth Joshi: the high altitude sigh...
Parth Joshi: of solitary pilgrims...
Parth Joshi: the brazen bare...
Parth Joshi: over the shoulder...
Parth Joshi: at every turn...
Parth Joshi: the happy man...
Parth Joshi: and mordor...
Parth Joshi: of symphonies in cloth...
Parth Joshi: another cairn on the divine...
Parth Joshi: all for the winds to abate...
Parth Joshi: cresting on time...
Parth Joshi: of hunched shoulders...
Parth Joshi: that softer side of the hike...
Parth Joshi: whispering kisses...
Parth Joshi: a gregarious thirst...