Parth Joshi: morning laces #1
Parth Joshi: morning laces #2
Parth Joshi: morning laces #3
Parth Joshi: sparrow droop
Parth Joshi: red billed blue magpie
Parth Joshi: DSC_0016
Parth Joshi: row row #1
Parth Joshi: row row #2
Parth Joshi: a buttery rain
Parth Joshi: grey headed warbler #1
Parth Joshi: grey headed warbler #2
Parth Joshi: roomin' #1
Parth Joshi: to lie on the road #1
Parth Joshi: to lie on the road #2
Parth Joshi: monkey love #1
Parth Joshi: monkey love #2
Parth Joshi: oriental turtle dove #1
Parth Joshi: oriental turtle dove #2
Parth Joshi: oriental turtle dove #3
Parth Joshi: russett pigeon #1
Parth Joshi: russett pigeon #2
Parth Joshi: oriental white eye
Parth Joshi: grey wagtail #1
Parth Joshi: grey wagtail #2
Parth Joshi: black lored yellow tit
Parth Joshi: oriental turtle dove #4
Parth Joshi: oriental turtle dove #5
Parth Joshi: slaty headed parakeet #1
Parth Joshi: slaty headed parakeet #2
Parth Joshi: roomin' #2