scottpartee: Ljubljana 2 Pacman
scottpartee: Train en route to Ljubljana
scottpartee: Train en route to Ljubljana
scottpartee: DSC00400.JPG
scottpartee: Train en route to Ljubljana
scottpartee: Train en route to Ljubljana
scottpartee: Train en route to Ljubljana
scottpartee: IMG_4110.JPG
scottpartee: Laibach Feet
scottpartee: Art Novaux
scottpartee: Franz Josef I Bridge A.K.A. "The Dragon Bridge"
scottpartee: Franz Josef I Bridge A.K.A. "The Dragon Bridge"
scottpartee: Dragong Bridge
scottpartee: Art Nouveau
scottpartee: Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Clock shop
scottpartee: Sadjar Vrinar
scottpartee: Strolling the banks of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Strolling the banks of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Fooooood
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Boat tour of the Ljubljanica
scottpartee: Go Gay