Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": fico locale al vento...hahahahaha
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": Credo nella libertà di espressione, cioè giornali e televisioni liberi di criticare il potere.
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": un sorriso e un augurio...
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": fine serata.......end evening....
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": shadoow ombra h: 03 20!
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": reader (present of a great friend)
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": stress...born to run
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": 46....no converse.....11 1/2
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": double velocity....doppia velocita'
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": "Levati la pistola e mettiti le mutande"...."get out the gun and connect the pants"
Enri67 "I tell.......I drink....": odio il beach volley!....I hate beach volley!