parmo: Contestant
parmo: Indeed.
parmo: Reuel Darling
parmo: Working iron
parmo: Contestants
parmo: A really big shoe
parmo: Orange hot
parmo: The Keg- a popular idea with many farriers
parmo: Fine work
parmo: Innocent bystander
parmo: Cool beard
parmo: Strike while hot
parmo: Careful worker
parmo: Steve Closely Examines the Heated Shoe
parmo: Need a Helper to Hold that Foot
parmo: Lot of hoof to take care of.
parmo: Rasping the Fore
parmo: Alice and Karen Cooperating
parmo: Getting Ready to Level
parmo: Heating the Iron
parmo: Checking the Fronts
parmo: Pounding the Heel
parmo: I Miss the Sounds and Smells of Horseshoeing
parmo: Hercules Yawns
parmo: Alice is Trimming a Gargantuan Hind
parmo: That's a Big Fore Foot