pamma69: Ok, you can take my picture - but dont ask me to smile.
pamma69: No body loves me
pamma69: Feeding time
pamma69: Dragon (not fire)
pamma69: DSCF0912
pamma69: I would have loved it if you would have clicked me in my actual habitat.
pamma69: Slow down Boss!!
pamma69: You kids, stop all the mischief.
pamma69: Motherly care
pamma69: Filling Fuel
pamma69: Yeah , yeah. I know we are you ancestors.
pamma69: Dont worry I am just passing by
pamma69: What you lookin' at
pamma69: Squerri Squirel
pamma69: I agree, sunsets are SAD.
pamma69: Hey, you want some.
pamma69: You stay away .from me
pamma69: helloooo
pamma69: DSC_0762