Parksy1964: Shall we swim home
Parksy1964: That Old Rugged Cross
Parksy1964: Devil's Ladder
Parksy1964: Carauntoohill Awaits
Parksy1964: Finally finishing Snowdon
Parksy1964: Hurry up team mates
Parksy1964: Waiting for the next runners
Parksy1964: View from Snowdon
Parksy1964: What you looking at
Parksy1964: Mount Snowdon
Parksy1964: Lyn Llydaw Lake
Parksy1964: Lake Padarn and Electric mountain
Parksy1964: Lake Padarn
Parksy1964: The Finish at Helvellyn
Parksy1964: The sun finally shines over Threkfeld Cricket Club
Parksy1964: Lake Windermere
Parksy1964: Princess of the lake
Parksy1964: Below Helvellyn
Parksy1964: Starting Helvellyn
Parksy1964: Threlkeld Cricket Club at 5 am
Parksy1964: Relieved to Finish
Parksy1964: Are we nearly there yet?
Parksy1964: King of all I Survey
Parksy1964: A quiet place to contemplate Ben Nevis
Parksy1964: Ready to Start
Parksy1964: The Warm Welcome from the Scottish Weather
Parksy1964: Ben Nevis Centre at The Start