payorivero: police everywhere
payorivero: "16th of March, yeah, but I got to work"
payorivero: the police and him
payorivero: the police and her
payorivero: peace, yeah!
payorivero: "Commemorate the victims of Nazism"
payorivero: laying a flower
payorivero: untitled
payorivero: DSC_1967
payorivero: DSC_1976
payorivero: Russian journalist and camera-man
payorivero: DSC_2029
payorivero: saluting...
payorivero: a character that rises controversy
payorivero: now and then, or the other way around?
payorivero: dropping flowers
payorivero: marching to commemorate
payorivero: parade supporter waves a carnation flower
payorivero: proud, you can tell too
payorivero: stage ready...
payorivero: proud, you can tell
payorivero: Belgian film-maker and legionnaire's supporter (wearing Legion's uniform)
payorivero: a poem against "Fazism", detractors shout to paraders
payorivero: flags, flags...
payorivero: flags ready for welcoming the parade
payorivero: Latvia: Youth, flowers and flags, staging a "new nationalism"?
payorivero: young nationalist Latvian
payorivero: elderly Latvian walks towards the Freedom Monument
payorivero: flags...
payorivero: "Nationalism?"