Alan Moote: The Killing Fields
Alan Moote: The Killing Fields
Alan Moote: IMG_3723
Alan Moote: IMG_3719
Alan Moote: Skulls at the Killing Fields
Alan Moote: IMG_3717
Alan Moote: IMG_3716
Alan Moote: IMG_3715
Alan Moote: IMG_3714
Alan Moote: IMG_3712
Alan Moote: IMG_3708
Alan Moote: IMG_3706
Alan Moote: IMG_3703
Alan Moote: IMG_3701
Alan Moote: Photos of victims of the Khmer Rouge
Alan Moote: Photos of victims of the Khmer Rouge
Alan Moote: Photos of victims of the Khmer Rouge
Alan Moote: IMG_3694
Alan Moote: IMG_3690
Alan Moote: IMG_3689
Alan Moote: IMG_3686
Alan Moote: IMG_3685
Alan Moote: IMG_3681
Alan Moote: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
Alan Moote: IMG_4159
Alan Moote: IMG_4140
Alan Moote: Ta Prohm Temple
Alan Moote: IMG_4117
Alan Moote: Bayon Temple
Alan Moote: L'elephant!