utomjording: Serra de Picancel and Pantà de la Baells
utomjording: DSC_1177-6
utomjording: Dancing ice 1
utomjording: P1020902-15
utomjording: P1040616-2
utomjording: Montserrat from Rasos de Peguera sunset 1
utomjording: P1060830-4
utomjording: Hello there!
utomjording: P1070938-1
utomjording: P1080072-4
utomjording: Catalan Mongolia
utomjording: Red and white
utomjording: P1080412-2
utomjording: Red curls
utomjording: P1080540-1
utomjording: Coll Roig
utomjording: With Montserrat in the distance
utomjording: P1090174-1
utomjording: Riding above Vallcebre with Pedraforca in the background
utomjording: Sunrise over Els Tossals
utomjording: P1090627-13
utomjording: Reaching the top
utomjording: P1090857-6
utomjording: P1120373-4
utomjording: P1120401-8
utomjording: P1120444-2
utomjording: P1120453-5
utomjording: Peguera
utomjording: Reaching Puig Lluient