Paprock Photography: mallard sits in tree
Paprock Photography: resting duck in tree
Paprock Photography: mallard in a tree watching
Paprock Photography: mallard emerges
Paprock Photography: mallard drinking
Paprock Photography: mallard in water
Paprock Photography: drake mallard on water
Paprock Photography: duck resting
Paprock Photography: mallard drinking
Paprock Photography: beak in the water
Paprock Photography: pair of mallard drakes share
Paprock Photography: drake mallard eating
Paprock Photography: mallard's flamingo impression
Paprock Photography: mallards asleep
Paprock Photography: gathering of mallard drakes on the water
Paprock Photography: mallard duck on the water close
Paprock Photography: mallard drake profile
Paprock Photography: mallard drake one foot
Paprock Photography: point loma 3
Paprock Photography: point loma 2
Paprock Photography: Canadian goose nest in Wisconsin
Paprock Photography: watchful goose
Paprock Photography: coot by marsh grass
Paprock Photography: coot in marsh
Paprock Photography: coot and swallow in mash
Paprock Photography: layers of heaven and earth and water
Paprock Photography: goose at the end of day
Paprock Photography: goose coming ashore