PappyV: Refinery At Sundown
PappyV: Mt. Diablo
PappyV: Three Caves
PappyV: Martinez Refinery in B&W
PappyV: Passing Ship
PappyV: Port Of Martinez
PappyV: Orange Seagull
PappyV: Kite Fliers
PappyV: From the Curved Bridge
PappyV: Martinez Train Crossing
PappyV: Curved Bridge
PappyV: Crane
PappyV: Martinez Fishing Pier
PappyV: Night Pier
PappyV: Amtrak Lights
PappyV: Amtrak Lights B&W
PappyV: L&L Shopping Center
PappyV: Lighting In B&W
PappyV: Lighting In Color
PappyV: Under The Freeway
PappyV: Freeway Supports
PappyV: Under The Freeway
PappyV: Waterbird Regional Preserve
PappyV: Roadside Trash
PappyV: Roadside Trash
PappyV: Dead Snake
PappyV: Martinez Refinery
PappyV: Martinez Refinery
PappyV: Long View
PappyV: The Old Pier