epape: The Dungeons & Dragons-like exit from the bowels of Paris
epape: Deeper into the labyrinth
epape: In the Quartier de Cazerne
epape: To the sculptures etched into the stone
epape: This work was begun by Beausejour, veteran of his majesty
epape: Carved beneath Paris long ago
epape: Plaque of another cemetery reburied beneath Paris
epape: A re-creation of a UK battlefield carved in stone
epape: A rock sculpture under Paris
epape: Carved from the stone beneath Paris 200 years ago
epape: Please don't smoke in the bone room
epape: Stop! This is the Empire of the Dead
epape: Centuries-old Paris skulls
epape: The shape of a heart - skulls
epape: Bones from the Church of St Nicolas des Champs
epape: Bones from the cemetery of the Trinity and St. Leu (from 1859)
epape: Sloppier piles of old bones out of sight of the public
epape: Bones of the cemetery of the Innocent
epape: Exit from the bones, this way
epape: Cemetery of the Church of St Laurent
epape: Bones of the cemetery of Magdeleine - transferred in September 1859
epape: The only tombstone amid centuries of bones
epape: Memoriae Majorum
epape: The pathway out gets wet, but it gets you out of the underground
epape: Stop: This is the Empire of the Dead