Paper Thin: When it's too late for drunks but too early for milkmen - we're setting off to watch the World Cup cyclocross in Milton Keynes! Not had many 4am starts recently.
Paper Thin: First thing we see, the bike showers. These will definitely be maxed out today.
Paper Thin: Juniors about to get going.
Paper Thin: Junior Winner.
Paper Thin: All about the pre-ride and the meeting of World Champions out on the course.
Paper Thin: Off camber and slick mud. What's the worst that can happen? Most riders are spending a lot of time finding out.
Paper Thin: My pick for today at Milton Keynes World Cup Cyclocross. #svenness
Paper Thin: And now for the women.
Paper Thin: The leading duo. #mkwcx
Paper Thin: Amazing amount of spectators and the main event hasn't even started yet! #mkwcx
Paper Thin: We wait.....
Paper Thin: for the first lap chaos.
Paper Thin: Tom Meeusen always going full gas.
Paper Thin: Sven put in a great comeback ride from an early crash, otherwise would have definitely been scraping for the win.
Paper Thin: And another cracking ride by Ian Field on home soil.
Paper Thin: Tom Meeusen had no fear of the off camber descent, he was one of the few riders who rode it cleanly every time in training.
Paper Thin: Niels Albert in new role as team manager, watching the training and passing on advice to his riders. This part of the day was my favourite, watching the riders practise on some of the hardest sections of the course and the crowd became a 'who's who' of c
Paper Thin: A couple of my favourite riders that don't often get the credit they deserve. Bart Aernouts and Rob Peeters mid remount behind him.
Paper Thin: Sven.
Paper Thin: David Van Der Poel.
Paper Thin: Aernouts.
Paper Thin: Radomir Simunek.
Paper Thin: The pits.
Paper Thin: That digi camo skinsuit.
Paper Thin: Into that corner.
Paper Thin: Atmosphere.
Paper Thin: Pit shadows.
Paper Thin: Sanne Cant mid dismount.