Paper Thin: Checked in. Security done. Now just waiting.
Paper Thin: First breakfast. Already been awake since 4am, I'm so hungry.
Paper Thin: Steep.
Paper Thin: Holy Grail of Coca-Cola. Mexican out of a glass bottle.
Paper Thin: In a Japanese supermarket, which is playing Duran Duran's greatest hits. Surreal.
Paper Thin: Had to do it.
Paper Thin: Sucker for the old GT track bike.
Paper Thin: Sweet.
Paper Thin: Street Fighter van.
Paper Thin: Alcatraz.
Paper Thin: SF Art Institute.
Paper Thin: GGP watching opera.
Paper Thin: Up on the hill.
Paper Thin: Another "Had to..."
Paper Thin: Tourists.
Paper Thin: Just to confirm where we are.
Paper Thin: Tour stop one. Easier by bus than bike I imagine.
Paper Thin: Business meeting in Muir Woods.
Paper Thin: Nature and stuff.
Paper Thin: Light.
Paper Thin: Photographs will never convey the size of these trees.
Paper Thin: Travis.
Paper Thin: On Fillmore.