Skulleigh: 1: Teatime
Skulleigh: 2: An Unexpected Guest
Skulleigh: 3: Getting to know you
Skulleigh: 4: *Crickets chirp*
Skulleigh: 5: Prepare to be assimilated!
Skulleigh: 6: Another one?!
Skulleigh: 7: Still trying to make friends
Skulleigh: 8: Three!
Skulleigh: 9: They're multiplying!
Skulleigh: 10: Now it's just getting ridiculous.
Skulleigh: 11: I take that back... *now* it's getting ridiculous
Skulleigh: 12: Now she gets nervous
Skulleigh: 13: Can't we talk about this?
Skulleigh: 14: Backing away slowly
Skulleigh: 15: Hey! Stop that!
Skulleigh: 16: Ow! What are you doing?
Skulleigh: 17: I feel like Gulliver.
Skulleigh: 18: Stating their demands
Skulleigh: 19: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnns!
Skulleigh: 20: Give us those pretty eyes!
Skulleigh: 21: Awaiting their cue
Skulleigh: 22: Anticipa...
Skulleigh: 23: The eyes of bunny evil
Skulleigh: 24: The situation seems hopeless!
Skulleigh: 25: ...Bento... help me...
Skulleigh: 26: That's it! I've had it!
Skulleigh: 27: Attack!
Skulleigh: 28: Gerrrroff me!
Skulleigh: 29: With a mighty heave, our heroine fights back!
Skulleigh: 30: Gaaaaah!