papergirl54: Hofstra Pride
papergirl54: Toward the quad
papergirl54: David S. Mack Physical Education Building transformed into the Media Filing Center
papergirl54: Waiting for the news affiliates day before debate
papergirl54: Media Center
papergirl54: Media Center
papergirl54: All reporters will be here in the Media Center -- none admitted to Debate Hall
papergirl54: All set and ready to go
papergirl54: Nonpartisan red white and blue
papergirl54: Leading up to the big day
papergirl54: Hofstra event pre-debate
papergirl54: Return of the President's Men
papergirl54: The Wolf at the door
papergirl54: Individual cubicles in the media room
papergirl54: Debate Hall run through 10/15 with stand-ins for the candidates
papergirl54: Day before debate run through
papergirl54: Sound/lighting check the day before
papergirl54: Many wires many workers
papergirl54: Last day before Debate Hall is locked down
papergirl54: Run-through Wednesday 10/15
papergirl54: Network scaffolding outside the Debate Hall
papergirl54: One truck among many
papergirl54: Waiting for the media
papergirl54: Media room
papergirl54: Media room
papergirl54: Media room
papergirl54: Media room
papergirl54: Each affiliate gets a cubicle but the feed all comes from the Fox channel for this debate
papergirl54: The Romney campaign corner
papergirl54: Bring in the blooms