paper_wings(butterfly): just a little further now
paper_wings(butterfly): the sleep of angels can be enjoyed by the devilish
paper_wings(butterfly): morning light
paper_wings(butterfly): it's not that the rainbow bothered her
paper_wings(butterfly): sunset through thistles
paper_wings(butterfly): shaft of light_2
paper_wings(butterfly): shaft of light_1
paper_wings(butterfly): what the hell's a cubit?
paper_wings(butterfly): giving light solid form
paper_wings(butterfly): sometimes the light
paper_wings(butterfly): cat of light and my jeans
paper_wings(butterfly): a trifle forboding
paper_wings(butterfly): christmas lights
paper_wings(butterfly): bedroom curtains
paper_wings(butterfly): in this light
paper_wings(butterfly): a morning like any other_3
paper_wings(butterfly): a morning like any other_1
paper_wings(butterfly): brightness through
paper_wings(butterfly): quite contrary
paper_wings(butterfly): amazing how lovely the light was yesterday_3
paper_wings(butterfly): my dreams are blue and red
paper_wings(butterfly): hidden/emerging
paper_wings(butterfly): bringing the shadows forward to shine