Dimitris Papazimouris: Rat-race release valve - IMG_7593 ed
Dimitris Papazimouris: The angel got tired midway ...it's too much trying to reach the sky - IMG_7630 ed
Dimitris Papazimouris: So what's the real promise there? - IMG_7608 ed
Dimitris Papazimouris: Wit at the service of killing childhood dreams - IMG_7549
Dimitris Papazimouris: A brief introduction to heaven and hell - IMG_7585
Dimitris Papazimouris: A composition with four steps, three and a half flowers and some fleeting sunrays - IMG_7622 ed
Dimitris Papazimouris: No smoke - no fire - IMG_7579 ed
Dimitris Papazimouris: On a bright winter day - IMG_7628 ed
Dimitris Papazimouris: Ground Zero - IMG_7596 ed
Dimitris Papazimouris: A small unrushed break - IMG_7632 ed