photonattractor: alien cookies from outer space
photonattractor: standing in the light
photonattractor: chimneys
photonattractor: rural hunter
photonattractor: Picasso's motorbike
photonattractor: that sinking feeling
photonattractor: happy easter
photonattractor: old Stockholm DRI
photonattractor: at the restaurant
photonattractor: daughter's eye
photonattractor: sunlit wall
photonattractor: IMG_1018
photonattractor: IMG_1028
photonattractor: some kind of tower
photonattractor: living among the trees
photonattractor: Peters park under silverpilarna
photonattractor: Gaudí reflections
photonattractor: being dead, it's a great relief to have perfect teeth
photonattractor: nearly naturally black and white cathedral
photonattractor: slightly past one
photonattractor: birthday flowers and new tablecloth