pennyeast: A Blue Hill, Far Away
pennyeast: Aloe dichotoma
pennyeast: Aloe dichotoma
pennyeast: Aloe dichotoma
pennyeast: Aloe dichotoma Flowers
pennyeast: Aloe dichotoma Flowers
pennyeast: Aloe dichotoma Flowers and Bird
pennyeast: Aloe dichotoma Flowers and bird
pennyeast: Aloe ferox
pennyeast: Aloe ferox - mature and spent flowers
pennyeast: Aloe ferox in the shade
pennyeast: Aloe melanacantha
pennyeast: Aloe melanacantha
pennyeast: Along a Ridge
pennyeast: Arctotheca calendula
pennyeast: Arctotheca calendula
pennyeast: Arctotheca calendula
pennyeast: Bitter aloe - up close and personal
pennyeast: Crassula rupestris
pennyeast: Crassula rupestris
pennyeast: Crassula rupestris
pennyeast: Crassula rupestris
pennyeast: Crassula rupestris
pennyeast: Crassula rupestris
pennyeast: Cyphostemma juttae - wild grape
pennyeast: How the Mighty have Fallen
pennyeast: Kalanchoe rotundifolia
pennyeast: Kalanchoe rotundifolia
pennyeast: Kalanchoe rotundifolia
pennyeast: Kalanchoe rotundifolia