Paolo around the world: Stockolm and Stockhome
Paolo around the world: Attenti al lupo..
Paolo around the world: Skeppsholmsbron
Paolo around the world: L' ostello/vascello
Paolo around the world: Stockhome shop
Paolo around the world: Volvo on the road
Paolo around the world: Vasche per ammazzarsi
Paolo around the world: Un Indiano a Sergels Storg
Paolo around the world: Un arcobaleno in metropolitana
Paolo around the world: Ristorante panoramico
Paolo around the world: Jagermeifter!
Paolo around the world: Nina, la coinquilina russa
Paolo around the world: Universitetet
Paolo around the world: Sveriges flagga
Paolo around the world: .. castello?!
Paolo around the world: 25h di lavoro continuato, record!!
Paolo around the world: Serata lunga..
Paolo around the world: Terminal Viking Line