PortAuthorityNYNJ: Shield and ID ceremony for PAPD 121st class of recruits
PortAuthorityNYNJ: Shield and ID ceremony for PAPD 121st class of recruits
PortAuthorityNYNJ: HOW IT STARTED: A son joins his PAPD father
PortAuthorityNYNJ: HOW IT'S GOING: A son joins his PAPD father
PortAuthorityNYNJ: Rooting for a new PAPD dad
PortAuthorityNYNJ: Badge and shield shield ceremony for PAPD's 121st class of recruits
PortAuthorityNYNJ: A pair of PAPD fans
PortAuthorityNYNJ: PAPD 121 class graduation
PortAuthorityNYNJ: PAPD Angel Paulino receiving the Superintendent Award in honor of PAPD Officer Fred V. Morrone
PortAuthorityNYNJ: PAPD Marvin Gueye receiving the Police Officer George Howard Award
PortAuthorityNYNJ: PAPD William Saleh receiving the Chief James Romito Award
PortAuthorityNYNJ: PAPD Chee Ying Yong receiving the Academy Director Award in honor of Captain Kathy N. Mazza