PanuK: anna
PanuK: tomtebloss
PanuK: sky over paloheinä
PanuK: little angel
PanuK: widsets taking the bus
PanuK: fire alarm
PanuK: sasso
PanuK: sasso
PanuK: 1st runqvist of '08
PanuK: lunch on rails
PanuK: quickie
PanuK: mouse king mask
PanuK: laskiainen approaching
PanuK: fly factory
PanuK: willie gunn
PanuK: mouse king
PanuK: laskiainen approaching
PanuK: designers in action
PanuK: london?
PanuK: new desk
PanuK: takeaway, and some more ppt
PanuK: sharp guys
PanuK: pascal too!
PanuK: mixed bunch
PanuK: before snowstorm
PanuK: let's see
PanuK: sniff
PanuK: thanks, dear colleagues!
PanuK: la place (closing down soon)
PanuK: the rest