Pupipanu: last Thursday, work SUCKED
Pupipanu: pillow hog
Pupipanu: peeping doorknob
Pupipanu: when you find flattering lighting, you have to take advantage of it
Pupipanu: ach, what a beauty!
Pupipanu: The Second Most Awesome Picture Ever Taken of Me
Pupipanu: Catching up on my reading
Pupipanu: matching hairstyles
Pupipanu: Me, circa a long time ago
Pupipanu: Self portrait, no makeup
Pupipanu: through a speaker, blurrily
Pupipanu: Real nice face, there
Pupipanu: disposable camera belt buckle
Pupipanu: another personal achievement
Pupipanu: after the migraine started
Pupipanu: The most awesome photo ever taken of me
Pupipanu: some frozen slag
Pupipanu: just the two of us
Pupipanu: 70's Throwback Eva