Pupipanu: Good times at the Round Up Tavern
Pupipanu: Hold me....
Pupipanu: Dr. Drunky and sidekick
Pupipanu: Male models
Pupipanu: One of these things is not like the other
Pupipanu: Drunk and tired
Pupipanu: TJ's bar
Pupipanu: The Menegat men
Pupipanu: Let's do this thing.
Pupipanu: 70% Pratt
Pupipanu: The kid's not buying it, Mitch
Pupipanu: Chit chat
Pupipanu: Observing the children from a safe distance
Pupipanu: Mike da man
Pupipanu: Lizardy
Pupipanu: Them's fightin words
Pupipanu: Sandwich time!
Pupipanu: Puke mime
Pupipanu: Can you beLIEve that?
Pupipanu: Something something this way comes
Pupipanu: Ann LOVES Oregon
Pupipanu: Look at all that manliness
Pupipanu: Lunching
Pupipanu: Ready? Okay!
Pupipanu: Lucky Number Seven
Pupipanu: Oh yes we're going to a hukilau
Pupipanu: He bit her finger off, right after this photo was taken
Pupipanu: Mismatched teeter totter
Pupipanu: Looking at the baby
Pupipanu: Chatting