pantufla: Make Your Own Records...then play them Back!
pantufla: Food Market Show Cards
pantufla: Fig. 71–Correct position of rigger brush for Script lettering.
pantufla: Fig. 5–The origin of lettering.
pantufla: A student's show-card writing outfit.
pantufla: Fig. 9–The Elementary Parts of Letters
pantufla: Fig. 10–The elementary alphabet.
pantufla: Fig. 12–Classification of the letters in the alphabet.
pantufla: Fig. 22–Side view of correct writing position for lettering pens of the flat shoe type.
pantufla: Fig. 33–Glass jar of prepared color.
pantufla: Fig. 56–Single-stroke brush alphabet with serifs.
pantufla: Fig. 57–Correct position of brush for single-stroke painting.
pantufla: Fig. 88–Plain accented letters without serifs.
pantufla: Fig. 93–Four different methods of shading.
pantufla: Fig. 174–Method for drawing a circle with a brush.