Chea Phal: Bokor Casio Under Heavy Renovation
Chea Phal: Broken Glass Window Inside Former Casino
Chea Phal: Broken Glass Window of Former Bokor Casino
Chea Phal: Staircase inside Former Casino
Chea Phal: Staircase inside Former Casino
Chea Phal: Former Casino on Bokor Hill Under Renovation
Chea Phal: Worker Taking Break Playig Card inside Former Casino
Chea Phal: Former Casino's Roof on Bokor Hill
Chea Phal: Wall of an Unknown Buidling
Chea Phal: Unknown Buidling
Chea Phal: Former Casino on Bokor Hill Under Renovation
Chea Phal: Former Royal Residence
Chea Phal: Old Royal Resident
Chea Phal: Former Royal Residence
Chea Phal: Unknown Buidling's Kitchen
Chea Phal: Unknown Buidling
Chea Phal: The main hall of the church occupied by construction worker as of 31 December 2011.
Chea Phal: The Old Church on Bokor Hill
Chea Phal: The old bridge of Kampot
Chea Phal: Kampot Railway Station
Chea Phal: Kampot Railway Station
Chea Phal: Kampot
Chea Phal: Kampot
Chea Phal: The old bridge of Kampot
Chea Phal: Kampot
Chea Phal: Kampot
Chea Phal: laid-back town of Kampot
Chea Phal: Kampot