Queens Museum:
Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick, book cover
Queens Museum:
Brian Selznick on top of the Panorama of the City of New York
Queens Museum:
Crowd watching presentation from Brian Selznick about his new book 'Wonderstruck' on the Panorama of the City of New York
Queens Museum:
Brian Selznick viewing the exhibition 'Wonderstruck in the Panorama: Drawings by Brian Selznick"
Queens Museum:
Brian Selznick on top of the Panorama of the City of New York
Queens Museum:
Brian Selznick on top of the Panorama of the City of New York
Queens Museum:
Brian Selznick with ASL Interperator giving a fantastic presentation on top of the Panorama
Queens Museum:
Brian Selznick with ASL Interperator giving a fantastic presentation on top of the Panorama
Queens Museum:
Brian Selznick with ASL Interperator giving a fantastic presentation on top of the Panorama
Queens Museum:
Brian Selznick on top of the Panorama
Queens Museum:
Fans of Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick
Queens Museum:
Fans of Selznick watch his presentation in the Panorama
Queens Museum:
Fans of Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick viewing the exhibition 'Wonderstruck in the Panorama: Drawings by Brian Selznick"
Queens Museum:
Author/Artist Brian Selznick signing books
Queens Museum:
Author/Artist Brian Selznick with QMA Director of Educaiton Lauren Schloss
Queens Museum:
Author/Artist Brian Selznick signing books
Queens Museum:
'Wonderstruck in the Panorama: Drawings by Brian Selznick' neon sign
Queens Museum:
Author/Artist Brian Selznick signing books