panic: playa chillin'
panic: campsite
panic: out for a stroll
panic: gimme little kiss
panic: blown away
panic: doing it!
panic: sunset soak
panic: sunset soak
panic: preparing the pork
panic: meat fest
panic: applegate trail
panic: double hot springs
panic: double hot springs
panic: double hot springs
panic: double hot springs
panic: too hot
panic: is it soup yet?
panic: someone's lunch
panic: motley crew
panic: looking for opals
panic: trekking in the desert
panic: philosophizing in the shade
panic: near double hot springs
panic: the nobles trail
panic: dusty and grumpy
panic: under the parachute
panic: near black rock springs
panic: local delicasies for breakfast
panic: scorpion!
panic: black rock sunset