panic: playing nurse
panic: too adorable
panic: time for another
panic: my favorite sisters
panic: ain't never gonna do it without your fez on!
panic: my lucky day
panic: hey baby
panic: now that's scary!
panic: brilliant!
panic: overjoyed
panic: a bit dismayed
panic: you're grabbing me where?
panic: did you see that?
panic: all the best cowboys have chinese eyes
panic: gimme little kiss
panic: down home
panic: a lovely bunch
panic: ham
panic: whatch you lookin' at?
panic: not you again
panic: yeah right
panic: it's stuck!
panic: are we getting hammered yet?
panic: what's that up in the sky?
panic: a gesture of appreciation
panic: you want teeth, i got teeth!
panic: the coolest jack-o-lantern ever
panic: yikes
panic: stay away
panic: scary