柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: Mother and child came to the city  (1960s)
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: Children of Downtown Area  (1970's)
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: alleywayc(1960年代の記録)1960s
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: Face of the fisherman
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: The 1970s=Snow Day
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: The 1960s=Riot police「機動隊」(The past record )過去の記録
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: Children of the 1960s・・・・
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: Japan's 1960s Yo-yo