autumnbriars: One Month
autumnbriars: Two months old!
autumnbriars: Two months old!
autumnbriars: Amelia wants SO BADLY to understand if the crab is friend or foe.
autumnbriars: Wait. Dolls are for eating, right?
autumnbriars: Today's nap brought to you by 25 minutes of walking circles around the building.
autumnbriars: 16 weeks old. She has whole conversations with the baby in the mirror.
autumnbriars: Starting her young.
autumnbriars: Three months.
autumnbriars: Three months, with bear for scale.
autumnbriars: MY yarn, mama!
autumnbriars: 5 months! She's rolling from her back to her tummy all the time now, and starting to work out getting back the other way. And, she has two teeth!
autumnbriars: She might be boycotting sleep, but she figured out how to pick up and chew on the bat teether. (Because OF COURSE my baby has a bat teether.)
autumnbriars: Happy baby!
autumnbriars: Out for a walk.
autumnbriars: Six month birthing group reunion. 3-8-14