Jo Naylor:
Jo Naylor:
playing with plugins
Jo Naylor:
morning mist
Jo Naylor:
from the mist - more blue
Jo Naylor:
from the mist
Jo Naylor:
misty field
Jo Naylor:
misty morning
Jo Naylor:
i need to shave off about 10,000 words - riiiiiiiiight
Jo Naylor:
gross springs to mind
Jo Naylor:
awesome clouds
Jo Naylor:
sherry and lonnie
Jo Naylor:
Jean, gary & sherry
Jo Naylor:
road of clouds
Jo Naylor:
looking up compromise
Jo Naylor:
boiling blue
Jo Naylor:
Jo Naylor:
Jo Naylor:
cow crossing
Jo Naylor:
can you see what's wrong here
Jo Naylor:
oil and water
Jo Naylor:
sunset oil slick
Jo Naylor:
without the gradient
Jo Naylor:
from asphalt
Jo Naylor:
might look fake, but it's real
Jo Naylor:
see - the color of my fake blood wasn;t too far off - this is real and it's pretty close
Jo Naylor:
mr moo moo peeling potatoes
Jo Naylor:
awesome clouds