Peter and Millie:
Hoffmann's Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Variegated Squirrel
Peter and Millie:
Green Iguana
Peter and Millie:
Lesson's Motmot
Peter and Millie:
Rufous-browed Peppershrike
Peter and Millie:
Rufous-collared Sparrow
Peter and Millie:
Crimson Patch
Peter and Millie:
Bue-gray Tanager
Peter and Millie:
Summer Tanager
Peter and Millie:
Clearwing butterfly
Peter and Millie:
Golden Silk Spider
Peter and Millie:
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Peter and Millie:
Streak-breasted Treehunter
Peter and Millie:
Waterfall from Cafe Colibri
Peter and Millie:
Silver-throated Tanager
Peter and Millie:
Violet Sabrewing bathing in rain
Peter and Millie:
Prong-billed Barbet
Peter and Millie:
Coppery-headed Emerald
Peter and Millie:
Red-headed Barbet
Peter and Millie:
Black-and-white Warbler
Peter and Millie:
Crimson-collared Tanager
Peter and Millie:
Northern Emerald-toucanet
Peter and Millie:
Tortoise Beetle
Peter and Millie:
Mantled Howling Monkey
Peter and Millie:
Yellow Tyrannulet
Peter and Millie:
Baird's Tapir
Peter and Millie:
Purple Gallinule
Peter and Millie:
Sara Longwing
Peter and Millie:
Central American Spider Monkey
Peter and Millie:
Proboscis Bats on tree trunk