Peter and Millie:
Western Gray Squirrel
Peter and Millie:
Mule Deer
Peter and Millie:
Douglas's Squirrel
Peter and Millie:
Hairy Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Cassin's Vireo
Peter and Millie:
Townsend's Solitaire
Peter and Millie:
Hermit Thrush
Peter and Millie:
White-Headed Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Douglas Fir cone
Peter and Millie:
Metolius River from Wizard Falls Bridge
Peter and Millie:
American Dipper
Peter and Millie:
Black-Backed Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Black-Backed Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Black-Backed Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Black-Backed Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Black-Backed Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Roaring Springs
Peter and Millie:
Pileated Woodpecker
Peter and Millie:
Guard Dog
Peter and Millie:
White-Faced Ibis
Peter and Millie:
Rufous Hummingbird
Peter and Millie:
Mountain Cottontail
Peter and Millie:
Great Horned Owl
Peter and Millie:
Yellow-Headed Blackbird
Peter and Millie:
Lazuli Bunting (young)
Peter and Millie:
Grasshopper Pair
Peter and Millie:
Peter and Millie:
Mylitta Crescent butterfly
Peter and Millie:
American Robin
Peter and Millie:
California Quail