Peter and Millie:
Red-Tailed Hawk
Peter and Millie:
Marsh Wren
Peter and Millie:
Lincoln's Sparrow
Peter and Millie:
Rock Wren
Peter and Millie:
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
Peter and Millie:
Marsh Wren
Peter and Millie:
Savannah Sparrow
Peter and Millie:
Marsh Wren
Peter and Millie:
Marsh Wren
Peter and Millie:
Northern Harrier
Peter and Millie:
California Gnatcatcher
Peter and Millie:
California Gnatcatcher
Peter and Millie:
Greater Roadrunner
Peter and Millie:
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
Peter and Millie:
Loggerhead Shrike
Peter and Millie:
Phainopepla, female
Peter and Millie:
Phainopepla, female
Peter and Millie:
Cassin's Kingbird