Peter and Millie:
Horned Grebe
Peter and Millie:
Long-billed Dowitchers
Peter and Millie:
Horned Grebe
Peter and Millie:
Semi-palmated Plover
Peter and Millie:
Dunlin (L) and Killdeer (R)
Peter and Millie:
Long-billed Dowitcher
Peter and Millie:
Courting Great Egrets
Peter and Millie:
Long-billed Dowitcher
Peter and Millie:
Northern Shoveler
Peter and Millie:
Black-crowned Nightheron
Peter and Millie:
White Pelicans
Peter and Millie:
White Pelicans
Peter and Millie:
White Pelican behinds
Peter and Millie:
Savannah Sparrow
Peter and Millie:
Belted Kingfisher #1
Peter and Millie:
Belted Kingfisher
Peter and Millie:
Kingfisher #3
Peter and Millie:
Belted Kingfisher
Peter and Millie:
B. Kingfisher #5
Peter and Millie:
The Final Swallow