Pandiyan: Lord, what fools these mortals be!
Pandiyan: "I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it"
Pandiyan: I am thy father’s spirit....
Pandiyan: Shakespeare knew a thing or two about life! Kutrallam 024
Pandiyan: Humans, Nature and Human Nature
Pandiyan: What a tangled web we weave.....
Pandiyan: King Lear this time...
Pandiyan: "Go to the ant and be wise"
Pandiyan: This bud of love....
Pandiyan: How Green was My Valley
Pandiyan: An hour before....
Pandiyan: Yaadum ooré, Yaavarum kélir
Pandiyan: Though this be madness ...
Pandiyan: Twas midnight - through the lattice wreath'd with woodbine...
Pandiyan: heart with pleasure fills...
Pandiyan: seashells ebb music wayriver she flows...
Pandiyan: I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts:
Pandiyan: Hath not a Jew eyes?....
Pandiyan: I am Sir Oracle....
Pandiyan: Put yourself on view.
Pandiyan: "I cannot tell:
Pandiyan: Woods are lovely...
Pandiyan: Let the sleeping tigers lie........................... or..... Rock a bye, baby...
Pandiyan: A black horse with....
Pandiyan: We sit still...
Pandiyan: O! It is excellent....
Pandiyan: Space research and selling milk
Pandiyan: Tent for a king's army
Pandiyan: When you don't seek, you discover a lot
Pandiyan: Climb the mountains and .....