marc.jo71: Nektarreicher Hummel Genuß // Hummel enjoyment rich in nectar
marc.jo71: ...meine Schokoladenseite... // ... my chocolate side ...
marc.jo71: Auf dem Weg in den Herbst // On the way into autumn
marc.jo71: Schräge Fliegenpilze // Weird toadstools
marc.jo71: Waldpilz-Zwerg // Wild mushroom dwarf
marc.jo71: Blue bottle neck ...
marc.jo71: Trike mit Hund ... trike with dog
marc.jo71: Leuchtender VW-Bus // Luminous VW bus
marc.jo71: Katzenhypnose...cats hypnosis...
marc.jo71: Tiefkühlfrüchte // frozen fruits
marc.jo71: Astronomical city hall clock
marc.jo71: moist, heavenly bundles || himmlisch feuchte Strahlenbündel
marc.jo71: Spaß im großen lokalen Kreise || Great local fun
marc.jo71: In the eye of a tomcat
marc.jo71: Blue State Opera...
marc.jo71: Water in the engine - nothing in focus
marc.jo71: Racoon
marc.jo71: Infinite white as far as the eye can see...
marc.jo71: christmas reindeer in black & white...
marc.jo71: Christmas is gradually fading ...a happy new year!
marc.jo71: Fairy tales of Bremen Town Musicians // Märchen Bremer Stadtmusikanten
marc.jo71: La vie animale en rose
marc.jo71: In the eye of the camel in Lower Saxony
marc.jo71: Two little cowards on the garbage can - cheers
marc.jo71: my darling
marc.jo71: The long journey of a snail
marc.jo71: Fluffy sun hats in autumn
marc.jo71: Bactrian camel face
marc.jo71: "Even if it's difficult! Keep the entrance and exit clear day and night"
marc.jo71: blurred squirrel upright on a tree trunk