DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 I'm chillin' :)
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Rut roh, is she behind me?
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Shhh, Mommie doesn't know I have dis apple :)
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 I'm cute and I know it :)
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Strappies are yummy and fun to pway wif:)
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Po is a precious doll!
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Po chewing on a piece of boo
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Lun and Po :)
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Lun Lun
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Sleeping Beauty
DoxieMom19: 2011-05-12 Po keeps a watchful eye on the keepers :)
DoxieMom19: No Mommie, No!!
DoxieMom19: DSCN1472 Po looking quite adorable!!
DoxieMom19: DSCN1499 2011-05-12 Time to nurse
DoxieMom19: DSCN1502 2011-05-12 Po is nursing, Lun is relaxing :)
DoxieMom19: DSCN1537 20110-05-12 What's that on his head??
DoxieMom19: DSCN1541 2011-05-12 That's milk on his head :)
DoxieMom19: DSCN1556 2011-05-12 Almost done nursing :)
DoxieMom19: DSCN1563 2011-05-12 All done nursing :)
DoxieMom19: DSCN1402 2011-05-12 Po's very curious about those treats :)
DoxieMom19: DSCN1401 2011-05-12 Po checks out the treats that Heather left him :)
DoxieMom19: DSCN1410 2011-05-12 Whoops, one fell!!
DoxieMom19: DSCN1599 Car inspector weporting for duty!!
DoxieMom19: DSCN1640 Hmm, passes the taste test :)
DoxieMom19: DSCN1643 Let's get a wook at dat chassis!
DoxieMom19: DSCN1683 Hehe, check out da sunwoof!!
DoxieMom19: DSCN1688 Mommie's sweeping, doesn't know I haf da caw :)
DoxieMom19: DSCN1709 I wike dis wide
DoxieMom19: DSCN1707 Wook down dere!!
DoxieMom19: DSCN1722 Rut roh, she caught me using da car!!