DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 8-00-39 AM last night she was bouncing on the tree as she lay reclined here
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 9-40-01 AM keeper finished setting out treats for Bai Yun
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 9-46-09 Yun Zi joining Bai on exhibit
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 1-06-16 sawdust play too
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 1-08-43 bottoms up
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 1-08-44 bottoms up too
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 1-09-05 let's take this outside
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 1-10-14 PM
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 11-01-30 after play time, what better than to share a drink
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 11-08-11 sawdust play
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 11-44-39 AM high up on his planks
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 11-44-44 AM sleeping
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 12-30-35 what Bai was doing while Yun Zi was sleeping up high
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 12-46-14 Bai is in the mood to play
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 12-52-24 when he got down, Bai was ready to play
DoxieMom19: 1-30-2010 Yun Zi, Stop Eating the Flowers! (2.5x speed)
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 3-41-25 PM resting here
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 3-37-02 Yun Zi at the top of the structure
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 5-05-43 PM
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 5-33-14 cwipes, dey want me to wake up
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 5-33-32 let's try the ball
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 5-36-04 now what are they sticking under my nose
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 5-36-58 how about an apple
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 5-55-08 finally heading in the right direction
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 5-49-50 keeper checks her watch
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 5-57-10 oh no you don't, you get back down here
DoxieMom19: 1-30-2010 Su Lin in the Early Morning (6x speed)
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 8-27-20 AM
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 12-05-24 Yun Zi up high
DoxieMom19: 2010-01-30 12-59-24 mommie gotcha Yun Zi