DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 3-15-20 Yun Zi, what are you doing
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 3-09-16 playing on the moat rocks edge
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 3-30-29 PM Yun Zi up high
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 2-05-46 Yun Zi and the Ball
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-23-19 Yun Zi holds onto side of box while Bai pulls him down
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 2-05-04 Yun Zi and the Ball
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 2-02-42 back up again on the box
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 2-02-07 Yun Zi on a box, but not for long
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-48-49 ruh roh
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-49-02 double whoops
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-48-58 whoops
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-44-41 fun, huh
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-42-26 Bai did a headstand, and Yun Zi reaches out to push her over
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-41-40 again Yun Zi on top
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-36-20 more play up close
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-33-18 Bai gets a drink of water with Yun Zi on top
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-25-24 playtime, ouch, my ear
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-27-35 Bai knocks the tower down
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-25-49 Yun Zi lands on the box with the enrichment items
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-21-02 Yun Zi dives into the honeysuckle
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-21-20 Yun Zi gets a bite of honeysuckle
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-18-22 Bai Yun checks on Yun Zi
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 1-16-51 Yun Zi in the hammock
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 12-46-57 Yun Zi sleeps high up on his planks
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 12-45-36 enrichment for Yun Zi awaits him on the bos
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 12-55-18 PM Bai Yun
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 11-29-25 AM Yun Zi (looking like a bald eagle) high in the tree
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 10-36-07 AM Su Lin been rolling around in sawdust
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 10-46-07 AM Classroom exhibit
DoxieMom19: 2010-02-04 10-35-24 AM Su Lin