pand0ra23: A near literal full frontal from @rem on the big screen
pand0ra23: Hungover muskateers
pand0ra23: Man love
pand0ra23: Bringing the Same-Origin policy to its knees
pand0ra23: @rem and @Julieanne closing the conference
pand0ra23: @rem & @Julieanne closing the conference
pand0ra23: Thanking @Julieanne for all her hard work
pand0ra23: Welcome! to Full Frontal conference
pand0ra23: Paul Rouget on Batshit crazy stuff you'll be able to do in browsers
pand0ra23: Murphy's Law
pand0ra23: Bringing the Same-Origin Policy to Its Knees by Dan Webb
pand0ra23: Brian's 3 Rules
pand0ra23: PJ with his hair-of-the-dog Ginger Beer
pand0ra23: Neil tweeting no doubt :-D
pand0ra23: More man love