jslander: cheers to business class!
jslander: fizzzz
jslander: nibble it
jslander: christian ordered the steak and potatoes
jslander: chicken satay
jslander: cheese and drinks!
jslander: you know what's classy?
jslander: we made it!
jslander: first bite of istanbul
jslander: i dunno
jslander: just a little midnight dinner
jslander: pilaf!
jslander: doner
jslander: old and new
jslander: on the ceiling
jslander: up there
jslander: decent bed
jslander: our baklava "breakfast"
jslander: i should have had more
jslander: silly christian and his silly western cup
jslander: sad when it goes away; even if it's to my belly
jslander: totally worth the calories
jslander: baked things
jslander: the are of negotiation
jslander: sort of like a montreal-style bagel
jslander: our first simit
jslander: DSC_0270
jslander: chewy
jslander: not even sure what's in there
jslander: just liked the building